When it’s time to bring a consultant into your organization, you likely know what to expect from the relationship: A reliable, responsive, and helpful addition to your organization. However, MDC’s 200+ years in the industry has taught us that while most organizations hire a consultant, they should really be looking for a partner. Being a partner means more than having a professional working relationship. In fact, a partner differs from a consultant in three major ways.
A Consultant Sticks to the Contract; A Partner Goes Above and Beyond
While there is quite a bit to be said about meeting everything outlined in a contract, a partner will go above and beyond to ensure that they are not only meeting your current needs but are also anticipating what future needs might be. This can only happen when a consultant has taken the time and effort needed to develop a thorough understanding of the job role and how your organization operates. Having mission and organizational intimacy allows MDC to deliver projects and services in such a way that goes beyond meeting contract requirements. MDC becomes a real partner delivering a higher level of knowledge and understanding to support your organization’s overall success.
A Consultant’s Service is One-Size-Fits-All; A Partner Offers Customized Service
Organizations are like snowflakes: while they may look alike on the surface, a closer inspection reveals that each one is unique! To treat them like they are the same would be like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. That’s why, unlike a consultant, a partner will offer a customized approach for each organization and for each project. Partners will use their subject matter expertise in both the industry and in the individual client’s business to find ways in which they can tackle projects with enhanced quality and effectiveness, putting emphasis on finding innovative solutions tailored to the organization.
A Consultant Helps When Asked; A Partner Is Always There to Lend a Hand
In a perfect world, all projects would go off without a hitch! Unfortunately, we know life and organizations don’t work perfectly. When there are bumps in the road, which would you rather have–a consultant you have to call or email, or a partner that is already by your side? By offering services like Financial Management, Program Management, Help Desk, and On-site Support, partners like MDC can use its in-depth knowledge of an organization to anticipate issues or know how to tackle them the moment they arise, allowing you to get back on track.
At MDC, we believe in being a trusted partner to all the organizations we support. Our team works tirelessly to ensure that we’re not exclusively focused on delivering results. Instead, we’re dedicated to constantly improving our knowledge and expertise, better allowing us to support you in every step of a project. Discover the MDC difference and partner with us today!